Life By Design Program

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Accelerate what you want your life to look and be like, because there is no amount of wishing, waiting or hoping that will change things if you are stuck.

The most important relationship you have is with you; don't wait, begin taking the first steps to creating your desired life - reclaim, grow and evolve into being and achieving everything that is important to you.


When we feel aligned, congruent and in the driver's seat we live a much better life. It doesn't mean that we don't experience the ups and downs inherent in life, it just means we have the resources within us to deal with them.

YOUR life matters. YOUR health, fitness and wellness matters. Your longevity matters. Both personally and professionally.

To truly be aligned, congruent and in the drivers seat YOU have to come first (even when you have a million priorities).

And if you are running on auto pilot and living a life that is on default, just keeping your head above water then perhaps its time to start focusing on YOU. 

Have you sat down recently and checked in with how you are really going? Do your days and weeks feel like a grind where you are on auto pilot and only just responding to life's demands.

Does doing busy, busy, busy explain your days and weeks, but actually leave you feeling exhausted, depleted and maybe a little bit resentful, guilty or angry?

When you allocate the time and resources to considering your main health, wellness & personal goals and look at what feeling ALIVE and being in charge really means to you, you will never look back.

Sometimes when we are off track our most important relationships suffer, especially the relationship we have with ourselves.

At ah! and The Breakfast Coach YOU are the priority and we focus on supporting you and nurturing you on your pathway forward for you.

Whether you want personal coaching, business coaching or both, we will work as a team and set you up to win/win/win.

Here's what a few people are saying about ah! and The Breakfast Coach.

'This is exactly what I needed: You've helped me think through things; importantly put things into perspective. Its been invaluable. This year will be my best year ever!' Jasmine

'Thank you so much for all your support and guidance over the last few months. The sessions have given me a huge self awareness and a better picture of who I want to be....I have come a long way from where I was at earlier this year. I am a great person'. Michelle Pickles

'Our sessions with Andrea were solutions focused and what she did for our relationship in one session was amazing; we liked being able to talk and focus on what we needed to get our relationship to the next level. We are so much happier now as Andrea guided us on the best ways to communicate despite our personality differences. Clive & Maria

We are compassionate, judgement free and focused on you.